Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's the Little Things....

It's the little things in a day that make it the best!  Today at Bart Larabar was handing out mini bars. Mmmmm I love Larabars! I wish I could take the bars that people refuse. The guy in front of me didn't want any....I wanted to take his too. lol

I am a terrible blogger this week. I didn't schedule one post for this week. I am just gonna wing it this week! Have a great week blog land!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Menu Monday

I will make some veggies to go with the following this week.

Zucchini Boats
Meat Loaf
Pork Loin
Ahi tuna steaks

Friday, July 27, 2012

2012 Olympics

Are you planning to watch the Olympics?  

What is your favorite event?

Yes, we will be watching.  Summer Olympics are my favorite! Well actually I just love the Olympics! I like all the events in both or most of the events!  I plan to watch as many events as possible. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Queen of Bargains!!!!

I really like the Tippi Sweater from J Crew in neon pink. Do you see a trend here with the neon pink? Well I thought I need to calm my neon pink purchases down a little. I really don't need another sweater.  I have this thing for J Crew clothes. Back in the days when I lived in ND from about 12-16 I use to get J Crew catalogs in the mail and I LOVED their clothes. I use to always dream of the day I could afford to purchase their clothes. Well guess what now I can fit into their clothes and I can afford their clothes on SALE. lol

On Saturday Art asked if I wanted to go check out the new thrift store that just opened down the street from us. Well when do I ever turn down shopping even if it's at a thrift store?  A person would have to be crazy to say NO to shopping! Plus if I found something at the thrift store 90% of the time I can justify buying it because it's at a discounted price. 

Well I was wondering around the thrift store and what do I find?  A Tippi v-neck gray sweater!!! I snatched that sucker right up!  It was marked $4.99. Who could go wrong with a J Crew sweater for $4.99. I looked it over really well to make sure there weren't any stains, tears, holes, snags etc. The sweater looked in great condition to me.  When I got up to the register the guy said all the clothes were 30% off today.  Whooooopppp!!!!! I snagged that sucker for $3.50. AMAZING! It is in the pile of laundry right now, so I didn't get a picture. It is just like the picture below, but v-neck. 

Siri on my iPhone calls me Queen of Bargains....there is a reason she calls me that! I am THE queen of bargains. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Menu Monday

Happy Monday!!!!  Did you plan your meals for this week?  I was on top of it and actually planned our meals for the next 2 weeks. It takes a lot of pressure off me to have everything planned out 2 weeks ahead. A lot less time spent at the grocery store or wondering what in the world I should make! 

Here is our menu for this week!

Taco Bell Pizza

 Zucchini Pie

Buffalo Chicken

Turkey Burgers

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pink or Blue?

Yesterday I went with Amber and Marcus to find if it was a boy or girl! Before we went in I had asked Marcus what he thought it was and he thought boy. I was convinced it was a girl. Well within 2 minutes of being in the room we found out.....

Amber was saying "Oh look at him" in the picture above. 

Guess what it is????

It's a 


We are super excited to be having a little grandson!!!!  I can't wait to start buying lots of camo for this new little guy!  I will be making him a mustache shirt IMMEDIATELY! 
Now I debating what the little man is going to call me. Art and Amber have been calling me gam gam. I am thinking I should be called mimi. When I said mimi Art and Amber both said Drew Carey's Mimi? bahahaha
I KNEW they were going to think that when I mentioned it. The look on their faces was priceless when I told each of them separately. So my granny name is still up for debate. Who knows maybe it will just be granny. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Art and I went to the zoo a couple weeks ago. We had a lot of fun looking at all the animals. 



Friday, July 20, 2012

A great one....

I heard a Miranda Lambert song Guilty in Here this morning. Two lines from the song made me think of dating in my 20's.

'Cause the good ones all got wedding rings
and the young ones are just too dumb

It made me laugh because that is exactly how I felt back in the day. Luckily I held out and found a GREAT one! The longer Art and I are together the more I realize how well we just fit together. He was the right one just for me. The timing was just right when he came along. 

Kitchen Cabinets

While Danielle visited we repainted my kitchen cabinets. Danielle did 75% of the work and I did 25%. While I was working one morning she took off all the cupboard doors and hinges. We had to replace all the hinges, since the previous owners painted over the tops of the. 

Boy do my kitchen cupboards look like a nightmare! lol

We placed plastic wrap on the floor and painted all the drawers. Then we moved all the drawers to the garage to dry. 

Laid the cupboard doors on the plastic wrap and painted all of them. 

Danielle putting the hinges and knobs back on the doors. 

AFTER - these are pictures with my cell phone
The cupboards look soooooo much better! I can actually wipe them down now and get dirt off them. I have NO idea what type of paint the previous owners used, but if you got something on the door it was stuck there!