Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bring on 2016

I have such mixed feelings about 2015. It was one of the best years, but a challenging year. 

I changed positions at work making it possible for me to work from home 3 days a week. I brought on my first client which was huge & very exciting.  Art took a position closer to home with his company. His commute was cut in half. Yay! 

I helped write a book with a group of people who have my type of thyroid cancer. It was very exciting to see my name in print. 

We celebrated our little mans 1st birthday. Watching him grow was so fun.
I have enjoyed being a mom so much!  It's the best feeling. There are days it is very challenging especially when he doesn't sleep well. Lord help me!  

Then there was health issues. We found out George is allergic to peanuts. At first it was overwhelming. Then we got into a groove and honestly I forget about it. I forget about it until someone says peanut butter or I see a peanut butter container. We only buy things he can for our house. We have found substitutes to make our favorite holiday treats. 

My health has been another story. Lots of challenges. Slowly working through them. We are at the point we have to start thinking of the future. Finding doctors with more experience and possibly living off one income. 2016 will bring new challenges as we sort those things out. 

Life gets overwhelming at times. Then this peace will come over me that it will all work out. I've had to learn to say no and put myself first. Still learning, but I've made great steps. 

I have goals of cutting out dairy (have I lost my mind), losing a little more weight, enjoying my time with my little family and handling life one step at a time. 

Happy New Year! 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Secret Service Guest List

Monday night I attended Stand Up! The 2015 Union Labor Party Banquet. My employer had a table at the event. The guest speaker was Nancy Pelosi. Let's just get this out here in the beginning of this post. I do not agree with her on any political points. Probably not one thing. 

It was fun to get dressed up and go to a fancy dinner. I rarely do that anymore. My goal of the night was to get a selfish with Nancy. I didn't think it was polite to turn around in my seat to take a picture with her on the platform giving a speech although I was VERY tempted. 

As Nancy walked in the door, sat at the front table a guy walks up & take a selfie with her. I gasp then busted up laughing. Who does that?  Bahahahahaha. Nancy smiled for the camera like it was no big deal. I wonder how many likes the guy got on IG? 

The mayor of San Francisco Ed Lee gave a small speech and Willie Brown. Willie was hilarious!  I've never seen someone leave a room faster than Willie Brown. I would like a lesson on skipping out of a place like Speedy Gonzalez. 

My name is now on the secret service list. Security was awfully tight in the building. 

Outfit details
Skirt - Target
Tank & Cardigan - Old Navy
Shoes -Nordstrom's


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Disney Live! Fairy Tale Trivia Questions

Have some fun with fairy tale trivia questions!!!

Disney Live! presents Three Classic Fairy Tales
Trivia Questions

What is the name of Mickey's best girl friend?

  • Mikaela

  • Mulan

  • Minnie

    Who helps Cinderella make her dreams come true?

  • Genie
  • The Fairy Godmother
  • Flora, Fauna and Merryweather

    What are the names of two of Cinderella’s mice friends?

  • Pluto and Goofy

  • Chip and Dale

  • Gus Gus and Jacques

    What story is Prince Charming in?
  • Beauty and the Beast

  • The Little Mermaid

  • Cinderella

  • Sleeping Beauty

    Snow White wishes for her one true love while standing by:
  • A wishing well

  • Dopey’s hat

  • An apple

    Snow White stays in a cottage with who?
  • Her mother and twelve siblings

  • Three giants

  • Seven Dwarfs

  • You can purchase tickets HERE.
    Save $5 to any show with code LOCAL

    Saturday, November 7, 2015

    Disney Live - Three Classic Fairy Tales

    Disney Live - Three Classic Fairy Tales

    Prepare to laugh, sing and dance as you step into a world of wonder where wishing is only the beginning and dreams really do come true in Disney Live! presents Three Classic Fairy Tales Presented by Stonyfield YoKids Organic Yogurt. Join Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald and Goofy as they bring the timeless fairy tale adventures of Cinderella , Beauty and The Beast , and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs to life in a live theatrical experience that is pure magic. With dynamic storytelling, award winning music, stunning costumes, glittering special effects and spectacular sets, you will be captivated by these spellbinding stories when you dream with the princesses and cheer for their heroes as they conquer evil villains. There is a world of enchantment waiting for you right in your hometown!

    You can save $5 by using coupon code LOCAL.

    Thursday, October 29, 2015

    Peanut Allergy

    Back in August George broke out in hives after eating some peanut butter. I emailed his pedi pictures and questions. She said they would do additional testing at this 1 year appointment in about 2 weeks, but to avoid peanut butter until then.

    We did some blood work and found out he had a peanut allergy. We then met with the allergist for additional testing. Poor buddy is very allergic to peanuts. We have to carry epi pens with us at all time. They do not take chances these days with peanut allergies. The allergist told us if we even think he ate it use the epi pen.

    We can't eat peanuts around him, touch him after we have ate him and we need to brush our teeth if we eat them. So far it has been ok. I have replaced peanut butter with almond butter.

    Recently we flew. I just asked the man beside us if he could not eat the peanuts. My concern was that George would try to grab the peanut wrapper or grab one. Thankfully the guy was super nice about it. He had an allergy to bee stings and carried an epi pen.

    About 2 weeks after we had him tested he broke out in the rash on the right. It was scary! We rushed him to the ER. We weren't sure if he had another severe allergy or what was going on. It looked like a huge puff hive all around his mouth. On the way to the ER I was on the phone with them asking if we should use the epi pen. They said if we knew for sure he didn't eat any peanuts not to use it and just come right in. Just our luck the freeway was PACKED on a Saturday. It took us about 20 minutes. By the time we got there the rash was pretty much gone.

    We did more testing on soy, strawberries and tomatoes. He is not allergic to anything. I hate having to do allergy testing on him. He cries so hard after the poke him. He is not a fan of the doctor anymore. The minute they come in the room with the stethoscope he starts screaming.
    The picture on the left was after he had peanut butter. The hives are smaller. It was so weird he was allergic to the peanut butter. He had been eating Horizon peanut butter crackers for about a month before he broke out. He also had drank some of my smoothies with peanut butter in them. It took about a month for the allergy to show itself.

    We will have him testing in a couple years to see if he outgrows it. In the mean time I am the crazy person reading all the packages in the store before I buy anything. It is crazy to me how many things are made with peanuts or in a peanut facility. We don't even take a chance with peanut facility items.

    Monday, October 26, 2015

    Sensory Paper Bag Book

    There are a times I need to entertain George while I try to get things done around the house. He gets bored with the same toys day after day. We put some toys away and bring them out which is like WOW where did that come from?

    I decided to make 3 boxes of different type of toys, crafty items he can play with 3 days a week. I have a lot of scrapbook items that are just sitting around my spare room. I decided to make him a book out of a paper bag.

    I looked on Pinterest for some ideas of things to put in the boxes. I will blog about the boxes at a different time. I used them the other day and it was fabulous! He was soooo excited to go through the box and play with everything.

    I used 3 paper bags. Folded them in half, punched holes in the end and tied it with string.

    I had the stickers above in my collection. He likes to rub the mustache.

    I am not sure how long these letters will stay on the page. He is trying to pick them off already. I hot glued them to the page. If he picks them off I can glue them back down.

    In the pages that are open on the ends I cut cardstock to stick inside. I hot glued some twine to the page to make a G. Used stickers on the other pages.

    I took a straw that was left over from his party, cut it and glued it to the page. He really liked the straw. The owl he lost interest in quickly.

    The car sheet was his favorite. He played with that the most. Then he took it, folded it in half and shoved it back in the open section of the book. That is when I realized it will be lucky if the book lasts a month. lol

    These books are so easy to make! You can just use items you have around the house or grab some items at the dollar store. Michaels' has cardstock on sale a lot of times for about $2-3 a pack of 50. Use a coupon and save 40-50%.

    Monday, October 12, 2015

    Curious George 1st Birthday Party

    I started planning George birthday probably when he was a couple months old. I was pinning things on Pinterest for months. I decided on Curious George right away! It was a perfect theme for our little Curious George!

    I made the majority of the decorations, signs and banners. I had a lot of fun planning it until 2 days before then I started stressing. I now understand why people rent jumpy houses and order pizza. lol

    Guest Book Table

    I had a Curious George Birthday book for everyone to sign as the guest book. We have this large crate I covered with a table cloth on the sides and yellow wrapping paper over the top. I bought the clips and G from the $ section of Target & Michael's.

    Birthday Cake Throne

    I made the I Am One sign that wrapped around G's high chair. I bought the balloon on Amazon.

    Dessert Table

    I made the OOH AAH OOH AAH banner. My friend Krystal made the banana hanging in the middle. She also made the monkey face with the mustache.

    The table I covered the sides with a table cloth, covered the top with yellow & white polka dot wrapping paper. We served cupcakes and banana splits. I made G's smash cake.

    Chalk Board

    Our chalk board in the kitchen I drew Go Banana's. I am no artist let me tell you! I probably redid it a couple times before the party.

    Drink Area

    I collected straws from the dollar section of Target and Michael's for a few months. Picture up some red solo cups from the dollar store. The yellow bucket is from the clearance section of Michael's. My nanny helped me cup all the tissue pom poms. They were pretty easy to make once we cut them all out. I was soooo grateful she helped me with things.

    Front Yard

    We had some leftover wood from the deck project. My father in law cut out the 1 and painted it a solid color. I painted the polka dots all over it.

    Back Yard Photo Prop

    I found a picture on Pinterest the above photo prop. I printed it out and asked my father in law to draw it out for me. I told him I would paint it if he could just draw it. Well my father in law not only drew it out, but he painted it. I was soooo happy! He did such an amazing job!
    I painted the confetti and party hat.

    George LOVES the monkey still. It is still in our backyard. He loves to go put his head through it and laughs away.

    I didn't get a picture of the food table! I set up a taco bar. Ground beef, shredded chicken, pinto beans, all the fixing for tacos, tortilla chips and salsa. Oh it was delicious! I take after my great grandma and mom. I cooked for an entire army. We had 5 pounds of ground beef left over and probably 2 pounds of beans. lol Good things those things freeze well.

    The party turned out perfect! It was a lot of work, but so worth it. It was such a fun afternoon spending time with our family and friends celebrating our little boy 1st year. He was worn out after the party and took a long nap.

    Thursday, October 8, 2015

    OOTD - Fall Clothing

    I found some posts I had started last winter or early spring that I didn't post. I figured I should post them because I had some cute outfits. I work from home 3 days a week now. When I am home I usually wear more casual comfy outfits. Rarely do I take pictures of those outfits. There isn't much to show other than a tshirt and jeans or leggings. It's been so hot lately I don't want any layers. I have worn shorts a lot this summer to deal with the heat. Easier when you are chasing a little guy around too.

    Cardigan and Shirt: Old Navy
    Skirt: Lane Bryant
    Shoes: Bass

    I did a remake of J's Everyday Fashion

    Cardigan: Ann Taylor
    Shirt & Jeans: Old Navy
    Necklace: Forever 21
    Shoes: Gap

    Cardigan, Tank and Jeans: Old Navy
    Shoes: Payless


    Scarf: Target
    Shirt: Old Navy
    Jeans: Old Navy
    Shoes: Payless

    Wednesday, October 7, 2015

    Monday, October 5, 2015


    Last year Lacey said she was going to start selling Jamberry. My reaction was oh geez I have been trying to avoid these things. So I decided to try them. The first time they were ok. I wasn't sold. Then she came to visit and taught me how to put them on.....I was sold. Now I have enough that I could put on a new pair every week for a year. lol I love them!

    The designs are so cute. I love the fact they don't chip. I don't have to wait for them to dry. There have been times I have been in the middle of putting them on and I have had to stop to do something for G. No problem. I can continue putting them on without messing them up.

    Lacey has a Facebook group you can join. She has a monthly club. Each month you pay $15 and you receive 1 set of Jams. One person each month receives the hostage rewards. I love this group because I am able to get a different set each month. This month I picked the Monster Jams. I am having trouble with adding pictures from Blogger or I would have posted the Monster Jams.

    Thursday, October 1, 2015

    Pumping Adventures are Ending.....

    The time has come it is time to put the pump away. I am happy that we made it a full year nursing. It was a HUGE struggle back in the beginning. I never thought I would make it 2 months let alone a full year.  I had more clogged ducts than I care to even remember. I was persistent and determined to nurse.

    When I returned to work last year in December I pumped 3 times a day at work. I found a schedule that worked for me. I tried to pump about every 2.5-3 hours while I was in the office. George had formula a few times in the first 5 weeks of his life. Honestly he didn't need it. I should have just used my freezer stash I was accumulating. I was juggling so much back then formula was how we made it during some stressful times. It doesn't really even matter in the grand scheme of things. He is a healthy little boy.

    I have decided I am going to continue nursing when I am with George until we decide we are done. My goal was to get to a year. I made it to a year, so my next goal is to make it until after we go on vacation. It will be easier to nurse him than lugging milk through the airports.

    I put my pump away at work right after George turned 1. I was pumping a couple days a week at home until past week. I didn't want to deal with clogged ducts again, so I tried to slow the pumping down. I still have some milk in the freezer, so I am starting to use that when I send bottles to the nanny.

    I still believe giving birth is easier in the beginning than nursing. You go through a few days of labor and it's over. Nursing lasts for weeks. You are tired, baby is hungry, tears are shed by all, trying to get them to latch, over production of milk....oh lordie let me stop before I have a moment.

    Tuesday, September 29, 2015


    I found some old OOTD that I didn't post from last winter. Here are some ideas for this fall! I am ready for fall weather. It has been soooo hot lately. Now come January I will say how I just can't wait for summer.

    Old Navy outfit! Everything except the shoes came from Old Navy

    Jacket: JCPennys
    Tank: Old Navy
    Skirt: Gap
    Shoes: Target

    Another Old Navy outfit! I think the scarf might be from Target, but everything else including the shoes are from Old Navy.

    Friday, September 25, 2015


    It has been a long time since I have posted OOTD. Lately I feel I am super casual on the days I work from home. Usually I am trying to get as much work in while G is at the nanny or sleeping. When I go into the office I try to put together a cute outfit.

    Top: Van Husen
    Pants: Old Navy
    Shoes: Target

    Top: Old Navy
    Skirt: Cassie LulaRoe
    Shoes: Target
    LulaRoe is my new favorite brand of clothing. They are so comfy and cute!

    Top: Gap
    Sweater: NY & Co
    Pants: Old Navy
    Shoes: Target

    Top & Sweater: Old Navy
    Pants: Gap
    Shoes: Target

    I am as tired as I look in the picture above! I bought the pants for $5 from Gap super clearance event online. They are SUPER comfy, great quality and nice pants.

    Monday, September 21, 2015

    Kale Chips

    I had a bunch of kale in my fridge a couple weeks ago. I washed the leaves, laid them on a cookie sheet, drizzled coconut oil over the leave and sprinkled parmesan cheese over the top. Baked at 400 for about 10 minutes. I had planned to have it along side of our dinner. Well half the pan was ate even before dinner was finished. They were AMAZING!!! 

    I had to make them again just so I could get a picture. Art even loved them! Please do not used the powdered container of that so called parm cheese.  That is NOT parm cheese. It is a can of chemicals. Buy some REAL parm cheese in the cheese section of your grocery store. You will thank me later you used the real stuff on these kale chips! 

    Friday, September 18, 2015

    It's HERE!!!

    The book was delivered today!!! EEEKKKKK!!!

    I have been reading different stories from the book today. I read mine first. I've read it many times but it was crazy to me to see my words in a book. I wonder if my own words would have been in a book without cancer?  

    Then I read my friend Bill's story. We lost Bill about a month ago. I still miss him every day. I miss seeing his midnight snack of grilled cheese. Or reading his encouraging words. He always knew what to say to people. Had great stories to share. 

    Then I went to story 1. Perfect story to start the book. The first story sums up a day with MTC. 

    The book is overwhelming. No way I could sit down and read this whole thing. Maybe because I know most of these people. Maybe because this is my reality. I understand what these people are going through each day. 

    Thursday, September 17, 2015


    I am late to the flat lay posts. I recently bought a white board to do some baby OOTD. George wears such cute clothes. It is hard to get a picture of him cooperating in his outfits each day. I am hoping I can teach him to stand still for me soon, so I can get a picture of the outfits. Here is my first try at a BOOTD. Stay tuned for some future posts!

    Shirt: Target
    Pants: Thrift
    Shoes: Kaleb's hand me downs

    Wednesday, September 16, 2015

    Disney On Ice presents Dare to Dream

    I can't wait to take George to Disney on Ice Dare to Dream! Earlier this year I took him to Disney on Ice and he LOVED it! He was only about 5 months old then. I think now that he is a year old he is going to really love watching all the characters.

    Nothing can stop a princess from a celebration of royal proportions when Disney On Ice presents Dare to Dream Presented by Stonyfield YoKids Organic Yogurt skates into to your hometown. Join your hosts Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse for a princess-packed adventure. Laugh along with Disney’s hair-raising escapade, Tangled, as Rapunzel, Flynn and Maximus embark on an uproarious journey that takes adventure to new lengths! Travel to the enchanted forest with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs as she escapes from the Evil Queen in her search for her one true love. Dreams become reality as Cinderella meets her Prince Charming, with a glass slipper fit for an unforgettable fantasy come true. Boogie to the beat of the bayou with Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen from Disney’s The Princess and the Frog, in a magical, musical journey that begins with a fateful kiss. The whole family will delight in the beauty, sparkle and spirit of the ultimate Disney Princess event of a lifetime!    

    You can save 25% off tickets by using the code MOM. Buy your tickets HERE.

    Tuesday, September 15, 2015

    We Need Research!!!!

    Today is an amazing and exciting day!  A few months back I wrote a story for a new book. I wasn't sure if I should write about my cancer struggle for the book, but this nagging feeling inside me said do it!  You will regret it if you don't take this chance. I'm so glad I took the time to do it. Today the book was released on Amazon. 

    September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness month. Did you know MTC does not currently have a cure?  I have a disease with no cure. Every birthday is a huge milestone. I like getting older. It means I am winning this battle. 

    My cancer is currently stable. I go for tests every 3 months. Each time the numbers change the doctors aren't sure why. They don't know where the cancer is growing, but the numbers tell them it is. CT scans and MRIs are done annually to monitor the "spots". 

    This year we've lost many people in the MTC family. Every loss is hard and some are harder than others. There are some you become very close with and then the disease takes them. It's heartbreaking. Never gets easy. 

    There is so little research that is being done. It sort of angers me how much money is wasted on stupid crap by our government when they could be spending money on cancer research. Let's research moving bears from one state to another to see what happens. Really?  That's what our money is spent on?  Instead there are 1000s of people with a disease with no cure. 

    It's time my voice is heard. I'm good at being loud, pushing my weight around, so it's time to make it known for MTC!!!