Sunday, July 26, 2009

Gilroy Garilic Festival & Meeting New Friends

Yesterday Art and I went to the Gilroy Garlic Festival. I have wanted to go every year. One of my knottie/nestie friends has been planning for a few months to fly up from Southern California to come to the festival. That sealed the deal this year because we wanted to finally meet in person. I have talked to the same girls on the Knot and now the Nest for almost 2 years online or texting, but never met them in person. We all planned our weddings together and some of us were married on the same day. Krystal and her husband Eric were also married on April 12, 2008. I was able to meet them yesterday and had such a wonderful time. Krystal is such a sweet girl! I wish they would move to Northern California! Here are some pictures from the day.

Art and me with the say no to plumping chickens. Watch out this might be our Christmas card!
Art with the garlic festival guy!

Eric, Krystal, Art & me all married on April 12, 2008

Krstyal and me at dinner

A couple of us went out for Moroccon food. We had a great time and the food was soooo yummy!!!!


  1. I know I'm late, since I'm trying to catch up on my google reader, but I had to post a comment here thanking you again. We had a great time, and I could totally see us living up there...but we'll have to see where our jobs take us. On another good note, I love the new layout! It's sooo cute. xoxo

  2. Omgosh, I can't believe you guys have a garlic festival!!! You must be the luckiest people in the world! I put garlic in everything!
