Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kogi's Food Truck

I was in LA this past week.  My friend Krystal is always talking to me about the food trucks and I have been dying to try them.  Thursday night I was able to try Kogi's and it was OUT OF THIS WORLD good!!!!!!  They serve the BEST food.  These are not your typical roach coach or gross food trucks you see driving around.  There are new up and coming gourmet food trucks. 

I tried the short rib taco and sweet chili chicken quesadilla. Here is the menu for Kogi's. If you ever get a chance to try one of these food trucks GO FOR IT!!!!! 

Sorry for the bad pictures. I forgot my camera, so I had to use my phone.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm, I'm still savoring that meal!! Glad you loved it, and I love the new layout! Looks like someone is ready for spring here!
