Tuesday, May 10, 2011

One year ago on May 3 we received the keys to our house, this week one year ago we were moving into our new house and the weekend before we moved in we painted 80% of the entire inside of the house.  I look at our house & I still can't believe all the painting we did in one weekend.  I have only painted one additional room in the year we have lived in our house.  I can't bring myself to finish painting the one last room.  One I can't decide on a paint color and two I can't even think about picking up a paint roller without my hands cramping! 

We have accomplished so much with making our house a home.  We have decorated most of the rooms and have a list a mile long of things we still want to do.  This summer we want to rip out our back deck & replace it. We are also going to finish decorating the man cave this summer!  Art wants to put up some bead board in the room, finish building a cabinet, put up curtains and replace the tile around the fireplace. 

This Fall or next Spring I hope to work on our kitchen.  I want to repaint all the cabinets, replace the counter top, redo the back splash and install a couple additional cabinets we bought.  I also want to add crown molding to a couple of the rooms.

Home ownership never lacks work!


  1. 1 year down 29 years of payments to go.

  2. Happy House Anniversary!! :)

  3. Hey, Becky you and Art have such a nice home...you have worked hard to make it so nice and cozy!!! Love you...Mom

  4. Happy house day!!!! I love all the things you have done to the place!
