Monday, May 2, 2011

What If....

When Art & I started dating I remember him asking me how I felt on 9-11? My reply was scared.  Art's answer was ANGRY and that those bastards needed to die.  I didn't understand why he felt so angry, but today I can understand more of his anger. While people around the World are celebrating the death of Osama I feel angry!!!!  Yes, I am glad the monster is dead, but it doesn't fix the past 10 yrs.

Our world was completely turned upside down almost 10 years ago.  We can't live with the what ifs, but I can't help to think what if.  What if the monster has been killed 10 yrs earlier. My husband wouldn't have had to go off to war, see his friends killed, or deal with PTSD.  My in laws wouldn't have had to worry for 18 months if their son would come home alive. Amber wouldn't have had to worry as a young teenager if her dad would come home one day.

One monster has caused heartache for thousands of families.  Almost 3,000 people were killed on 9-11 and thousands of military have been killed in war. 

One person caused this whole mess.  I am going to take this as a lesson that one person can change the World by doing good.  We often think we are just one itty bitty person in such a huge World.  What are you going to do to make this World better?


  1. Though I was excited he was dead, it scared me more than anything. I'm scared for any retaliation that his group may be planning because of this.

  2. Let them retaliate and we will dump their bodies in the ocean too.

  3. why not join or at least look at the web-site
    Citizen Corps was created to help coordinate volunteer activities that will make our communities safer, stronger, and better prepared to respond to any emergency situation. It provides opportunities for people to participate in a range of measures to make their families, their homes, and their communities safer from the threats of crime, terrorism, and disasters of all kinds.

    "Our freedom at times may be tested: however it will never be destroyed... Whenever our country's Liberty is assaulted let the punishing shield of freedom land its mighty blow"
