Thursday, May 24, 2012

3 hours in the life of a traveler.....

What a day! I've been traveling this week. I'm exhausted after spending 5 days away from home, packing about 250 boxes, throwing away TONS of stuff and organizing an entire office move.

I was sitting in a coworker office and my phone buzzed. Southwest informed me my flight would be delayed 2 hours. A few minutes later it was delayed another 40 minutes. I wanted to throw myself on the floor and cry hysterical like a 2 yr old that wants gummy bears. I gathered myself and called Southwest. I was able to secure the very last seat on the 615 flight.

I then went to the mall for an hour. As I was walking through the patking lot I stepped on a wad of gum. It was all stringy and got all over the top of my shoe and toes. I was sick to my stomach. I HATE chewed gum!!! Blech

I went to the airport. I found one of the last seats with a plug in. My rental car cigarette lighter didn't work so I was challenged all week to charge my gps and phone.

A guy near where I was sitting was being all loud and talking to this older woman. He told her he was a Dallas Cowboy player. He was #82 to be exact. I turned to the guy sitting beside me and said I'm going to google him. He laughed and did the same. We pulled up Jason Witten. There is nooooo way the loudmouth was Witten. The loudmouth was maybe 5'6 and had tons of tattoos. We cracked up laughing as we compared pictures we had googled.

Then the guy sitting beside me offered me $50 bucks if I would give up my seat and wait for the 740 flight. I told him $50 was not enough money today to give up my seat. I wanted to get home to my fur baby and darling husband.

While I was dealing with all the craziness my husband sent me a picture of our bed he had made, bathroom he cleaned and a list of all the various other tasks he had done around the house. Danielle comes Friday and I was stressed about getting everything done. I sat there smiling thinking I have the best husband ever!!!!


  1. Art is a wonderful husband :) Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Way to go Art!! :)
    I would def, be happy if I came home to that too :)
