Friday, August 3, 2012

And it started....

Well the buying has started!!!! I held off buying anything for the little man for 4 days. I couldn't take it anymore! I went to Old Navy to find some cute little man clothes.  Amber has always liked skulls, so when I found the little white shirt below with skulls I had to get it. Kaleb first little outfit from Grandpa and Mimi. 

I had to return some items to Marshall's, so while I was there I had to look around. What did I find? A fuzzy blanket that had skulls on it. I grabbed it so fast! 

When Art found out it was a boy he was excited to have a fishing partner. He went out and bought a little fishing pole on Saturday. 

I told Amber I couldn't wait to give her this stuff until the shower. The rest of what I buy I am going to have to save for the shower in October. It is hard not to go crazy and buy every cute thing I see. Kaleb is going to be one stylin little man!

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