Friday, August 31, 2012

Last Weeks Outfit

Here are a couple of outfits I wore last week. 

Capris: Old Navy
Tshirt: Gap
Jacket: Tommy Hilfiger
Necklace: Sears Outlet
Bracelet: Forever 21
Shoes: Bass

Shirt: Old Navy
Capris: Old Navy
Necklace: Ebay
Sandals: Target

This outfit reminds me of a pinterest board. lol
I bought the capris at Old Navy for $3. 

Tank Top: Target
Cardigan: Old Navy
Capris: Old Navy
Necklace: Forever 21
Shoes: Neutralizer

The black shoes I am wearing are my VERY favorite shoes! I bought them at Macy for about $20. I have gotten so much use out of them. I noticed the soles are starting to wear down. I hope I am able to find another pair of cute comfy shoes similar. 

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