Monday, September 17, 2012

Menu Monday

Wow September is flying by! Art and I have been on the go nonstop traveling all of September. We were able to spend time with my aunt & uncle, cousins and my parents in Pennsylvania for my cousin Stephanie wedding. We came home for a couple days. Art then left to work in Oregon. When he was gone I left to go work in LA for a couple days. While I was in LA I saw my uncle, aunt, cousin & his new bride. It was a very nice trip to LA. Even dessert on Rodeo Dr...more on that I'm another post!

Luckily I made a smart decision to do the grocery shopping the night before I left for LA. I have been so exhausted lately the last thing I wanted to do was grocery shopping, but boy am I glad I did!!!!

I planned our menu ahead of time for quick easy meals this week. I needed some meals I can throw in the oven, crockpot or my mouth lol

Here is our menu for the week.
Crockpot chilli

I am not a fan of frozen meals. I don't feel they are the best things to eat. I try to eat as clean as possible during the week. Frozen meals can have a lot of preservatives. I tend to make our meals from scratch 95% of the time. The grocery store had smart ones on sale for 1.88 a meal. I grabbed a few last week. I knew coming home late on Sunday I would be exhausted. Smart plan because it was so nice to grab a frozen box from the freezer and run out the door.

Happy Monday!!!!

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