Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Here are 2 outfits I wore last week.  My mom was so sweet & sent me a red jacket. It didn't fit the best, so I exchanged it for the leopard shoes. I have been on the hunt for leopard shoes. When I saw these I had to get them. Plus they were comfy.  The entire month of October I have worn pink ever single day. I decided to do a pink challenge in honor of breast cancer awareness. 

Orange & hot pink. Orange in honor of the Giants. Hot pink in honor of breast cancer. I am sad the black shoes I have in the picture above have run their course. I need to throw them away. I LOVE these shoes. They are from Naturalizer and are SUPER comfy. They are comfy and cute. Two words I don't usually associate with Naturlizer lol
I am not sure if I can even find a replacement that will come near the comfort of these darling shoes!


  1. When we were packing Nanny and Papa up we found pictures of e from the 60's...my shoes were the peep toes in style now!! I was laughing!!! Mom
