Saturday, March 23, 2013

Granny & Kaleb Time

I have watched Kaleb a couple Saturday's while Amber & Marcus are working. Each time we have a photo shoot. He has a good routine and I squeeze picture taking in during the happy times. This past Saturday was my favorite. He is laughing and talking a lot more. Plus he is at a good age where he doesn't grab things off his head or face and lets me snap pictures like a mad woman. 

Mommy's Little Monster

Well Hello! 

Nap Time!

I told Kaleb smile for Grandma and he cracked up laughing. It was so funny! I guess he found it very funny to call me Grandma. When I ask him to smile for Mimi I don't get a response at all. 

I was mixing his bottle & snapping a picture of him at the time same. He was NOT happy the bottle was not ready STAT when he first made a squeak!!! 

Grandpa even took a turn! 


Mimi I am exhausted after all those pictures - Thanks Kaleb!

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