Monday, March 25, 2013

Menu Monday

This past weekend I was able to see two of my friends. Both of them inspired me food wise. Krystal made some delicious blueberry lemonade. I have been trying to get Art to stop drinking Redbull and drink healthier stuff. He is NOT a fan of water. He said if you had to drink hot water out of a canteen in the dessert I would not drink so much of it now. Well he heard something on the radio about Redbull and has decided to stop drinking it. I told him I would make him some strawberry lemonade. Julie has been making homemade bread. I ate a piece and it was soooo yummy, fresh and soft. I am going to try to make bread. 

Last night I made strawberry lemonade with lemons from the inlaws lemon tree. It came out really good. I haven't made any bread yet, but it is on my list. 

Dinner Menu:

Crock Pot Potato Soup
Frozen Pizza
Steak & Swiss Chard

Krystal, Elena (Cookie) and Me

Me & Julie

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