Monday, July 22, 2013

Homemade Baby Food

On Saturday Kaleb only had rice cereal to eat. I fed him a little and he was NOT a fan of the stuff. I decided to make him some organic pureed green beans. 

While I was cooking the green beans he sat in the high chair reading books and playing with his toys. He sat in his chair for about 30 minutes. I think this is the longest I have been able to keep him occupied for one period of time. 

When the green beans were done I gave him a bite. He acted like I put dirt in his mouth. lol He eats Gerber green beans all the time. I am not sure if he doesn't like the fact it was organic, the taste or the texture. I mixed a little rice cereal in with the green beans. It took him awhile to get them all ate. I put the extras in the freezer for his next visit. 

I made organic green beans by boiling the green beans, let them cool and then pureed them in the food processor.  I had a Gerber baby food container that I had saved, so I stuck them in there.  

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