Monday, January 18, 2016

Three Years!

I read a post this morning I put on FB 3 years ago.

"I'm off to start the next chapter of my life...cancer FREE!!!!

I'm looking forward to the BIGGEST class of ice cold water after recovery. This no water thing is for the birds!!!!

My Grandma Fischer would be proud. Woke up, did my hair and make up. Even when she went to work in the field on the farm she looked presentable because you never know who could stop by. lol

Happy Friday!!!!"

This started off my day feeling weird. It's been 3 years since I went in for surgery to get rid of cancer. Only to find out 2 weeks later I won't ever get rid of this cancer. I normally celebrate today. I couldn't really celebrate today.  I think it has been a weird feeling because my numbers aren't as low as I would like them to be. It has been a roller coaster year with ups and downs when it comes to my cancer numbers. Right now they are holding stead. I would rather have them holding steady then climbing. Still it's scary at times.

Three years ago I was sitting in a hospital bed thinking I wouldn't ever be able to move my shoulders again. The pain was horrific. Somehow I forgot the pain of child birth. I can't forget the pain after my cancer surgery.

As I sat on the couch tonight I looked at my house covered in toys. George was dragging his tent around the house as toys were being scattered.  Right now life is good. I was able to spend it with the important people in my life. I didn't celebrate my cancerversy, but I did soak in the sweet moments of just an ordinary life.

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