Thursday, February 18, 2016

Vegan cheese

I think I mentioned on a previous post that I have given up dairy. Cheese is the hardest part. Pizza and Mexican food.....oh boy! Thankfully there are so many options these days. Sprout's has a lot of options for a good price. I found Daiya sliced cheese that melts amazing on a grilled cheese. I was looking through the frozen section at Sprout's and found the dairy free pizza below. It really tasted good. The meatless meat on it even was tasty. I would like to find a vegan pizza with actual meat though lol

Earth Balance vegan mac & cheese is really good too. I used coconut milk when I made it. Of course it doesn't taste like Kraft, but it's a good substitute.

There are just a couple of the substitutes I have found that I like.  

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