Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Happy Anniversary to Us!

 It's hard to believe it's been 9 years since we said I Do! Crazy how time flies and how much changes over the years. There are times it feels we have been married way longer than 9 years and other times it feels it has flown by.

I wrote a blog post a little over a year ago when we celebrated 10 years together. Marriage is a lot of work. We have some non-negotiables in our marriage. Two things were if anyone cheated or if there was any type of abuse it was over. Other than that you make it work. We have both put a lot into making sure this marriage works. We aren't going to just live as roommates. We will call the other out on their ish.

I love that I have blogged about our marriage over the years. I like to read back on the old posts. The 5th anniversary blog post is one of my favorites you can read it here. Right around that time is when I felt our family would never grow. 1.5 years later we would have a little boy. That little guy has brought us closer together and has made us each pull our hair out. lol

George will go through our wedding pictures pointing everyone out, but when he gets to me he says I don't know. If you ask him where is mommy he says gone. lol

Happy Anniversary!

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