Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Year of Firsts!

I am making plans for the remainder of 2012 and a lot of the plans are firsts.

·        Attended my first Boot Camp class – kicked my bootie
·        June dinner cruise around the Bay
·        Donating blood in July
·        Going to NYC in September
·        Meeting 3 of my cousins spouses and their 5 children for the first time
·        Running a 5K in September
·        Going to Hawaii in October
·        I think this is the first year in at least 10 years that I haven’t dyed my hair within a 6 month period.  As crazy as that sounds it is true. I usually dye my hair every 3-4 months. I dyed my hair on December 31, 2011 and did a touch up around the first week of January.

Do you have any firsts on your list of things to do in 2012? 


LWLH said...

You're going to be a busy girl!! :)