Thursday, July 28, 2011

Craft Room Organized!

My craft room has been a NIGHTMARE!!!  It looks like a 7.5 earthquake shook the room apart!  I keep the door shut! I only go in there to find something I desperately need or to iron.  It causes me stress just thinking about it.  On Sunday I had some free time & energy so I decided to tackle the room head first!

First thing I did was take pictures of the chaos like any good blogger!

Then I emptied the entire room out. I wiped everything down, swept & mopped the floors.  Then I stood back & tried to figure out where I wanted to put everything.

I took off this light switch plate and tried to wash it.  No such luck!  Well there is NOTHING a can of spray paint can't fix! I took the bugger outside & got busy!

WA-LA!!!!  Doesn't that look a TON better!

Here is the room put back together!  I really want to paint this room, but I am not sure what color.  I am thinking of putting of board & batten and painting the top a green color.  That is a project for this Fall/Winter.

I hung up some decorations!  I hung the thread holder in the center of the wall, next to it is a sewing machine iron cut out and on the other side I hung a shelf.  I hung the shelf with nails & it started to fall off the wall.  I had Art hang it up screws & it stayed!  I put a little metal basket & a picture frame.  I need to put something in the wire basket.

Here is the other side of the room.

I made this thread holder last year.

Christmas 2009 we took old fashion pictures. I love this picture of us! 

There you have it!!!! My organized craft room! I just love the fact it is so organized & I can find everything! I have been going in there every single day AND I keep the door open now.


  1. What a transformation....looks great! :)

  2. At Christmas you will need tohelp me organize my craft room...I hate going in there and I have no drives me crazy to even thing about it!!! Hugs, Mom

  3. That cracks me up that your mom asked for help. I was just telling my daughter that I needed help in my room. I don't have a craft room but it's just as well cause it would be a mess all the time. Right now I have an office/craft area in the corner of my room. I still need a table and other stuff. Thanks for sharing!

    P.S. Thank God I can't get pregnant from chocolate.

  4. Your organized room looks great! I need to organize my craft room, too. Mine looks worse than your before, but I blame that on my husband who has his own "crafty" area in there, too :)

  5. Looks amazing. I would love for you to stop by DIY Home Sweet Home today and link up your new/organized room and any other projects you would like to share. Happy Monday!!

  6. Looks great! Can you come over to my house next? ~JamieS
