Friday, July 29, 2011

We've Got WORMS!

Here is Art sorting through his worms & harvesting the dirt.  This is one of the NASTIEST jobs!  I won't go in the garage because the smell is so horrific!  It is amazing to see plants grow from the worm dirt. The plants that have dirt from the worm bins are double the size of the others & are producing more veggies.


  1. Eeeeeeekkk!
    But I did laugh out loud at the last picture of Art. :)

  2. I am so glad he has gloves on!!! We need worma for my gardens!! Love, Mom

  3. I'm confused. I don't know anything about dirt and worms. What is he doing and why?

  4. Kendra - the worms are for composting. We compost all our food scraps and paper.
