Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Biggest April 08 Get Together

The last weekend in August I headed to New Jersey for the biggest April 08 get together.  It started out a small local get together and then it turned into a big get together!!! Unfortantely Hurricane Irene had other plans for our GTG. I headed to the East Coast & wasn't about to get some Hurricane get in my way!

I was able to spend time with some amazing girls and add a hurricane to my weather bucket list.  Below are some pictures from our fun day.  I can't wait for next years GTG.  As long I am not giving birth or have a new born I will be there!

 Gerrie making some DELISH food!
 Jen, Tammy & Pam
 Gerrie & I

 Tammy, Jen, Me & Josie

 This pic cracks me up with the book Gerrie is giving Jen. lol!
 Homemade ice cream cake. TO DIE FOR!

 Dex dumping his juice on the floor & then wiping it up with the towel.
 Pam, Gio & me
 Tammy & Josie looking at kitties on Tammy's phone
 Jen & Josie
 I am not exactly sure what happened in this pic!
 Here is all of us!!!! Biggest GTG to date!
 It takes a few tries wtih little ones involved!

1 comment:

  1. OH my gosh. I want to tear up. I am so happy to see everyone together and I think it is beyond cool that we have all kept in touch and are parts of eachother's lives. Total bummer than I am the only person in the Northwest corner of the US though! I def. want to come to the next get together. I wish i had known about hsi one sooner, I would love to see the wonderful state of Jersey with my own eyes. I vote for a WestCoast meet up at your casa next! I will have no prob with getting down south!!
