Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Them weight loss journey started in May of this year. I made a goal to try to lose 60 pounds by the end of the year.  I never thought I could make it and wasn't very encouraged.  I started counting calories and lost 10 pounds in 2 months. I was encouraged. I maybe could do this after all.  Then I started the HCG diet on July 5 and my life completely changed! 

I wasn't sure if I could do the diet for 21 days.  It was a challenge to me to accomplish this huge task.  I didn't cheat once time in 42 days. The first 21 days I lost 21 pounds. The next 21 days I lost 9 pounds.  I was sooo excited because I had lost 40 pounds!

I started the HCG diet again on September 1. In the first 13 days I lost 10 more pounds. FIFTEEEEE POUNDS!!!!  Holy cow I have lost 50 pounds since May!!!!!!!!!!!  I have another 8 days in phase 1 and I am hoping to lose 10 pounds.  I am planning to stay on phase 1 until the last 10 pounds are lost. Then I want to work on 12 more pounds before Christmas. 

My goal is to lose 22 more pounds before the end of the year. I feel amazing! I can buy clothes from any store. I told my dad I am not sure I have ever been this size as an adult.  He laughed and told me I am still not an adult. LOL

Art has been sooo encouraging through this entire process.  I am surprised I didn't wake up with a pillow over my face.  I know there were times he just wanted to smother me because I have been cranky.  My family and friends have been such a great support team!

Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!

The above picture was taken in the Summer of 2010.
 On my 30th birthday

 First picture is before I started dieting, Second picture is after losing 26.5 pounds.

The pictures below are me after losing FIFTEEEE pounds!!!!


  1. You look fantastic! What an accomplishment!

  2. Becky you are beautiful inside and out...you look amazing...but you know I always say its the inside of a person that matters...now you have it all!! GREAT JOB!!! Love you, Mom

  3. i can see i will need to lock my closet soon lol :) great job sis!


  5. Wow, you look fabulous!!! Keep it up!!!
    following you now

  6. You look fab girl! Keep up the good work. It's tough to stick to it but it pays off in the end. Isn't it amazing how much more fun shopping is now?! High five to your hubs for sticking it out and standing by to cheer you on. I know Steve wanted to slap me a few times when I was on HCG!

  7. Way to go!! I saw your link on someday crafts and just had to say congrats!!! That is no easy task and you are doing awesome!!!!

  8. You always loook beautiful girl but wow what a gdifference. That is awesome and so encouraging. I am on the road to try to lose some weight myself

  9. Congratulations! What an accomplishment! Keep up the good work!

  10. You look fantastic in these pictures....
    hcg buy online
