Monday, September 26, 2011

Family Dinner Menu

Saturday evening we had the family over for dinner.  I went all Susie Homemaker and made the majority of the meal from scratch. DELISH!

Garlic Bread
Apple Pie
Rhubarb & Strawberry Pie

Art & I picked tomatoes from the garden.  Art washed them while I started chopping the onion & peppers. I made the sauce for the lasagna. Nothing tastes better than real fresh sauce!
I used Italian sausage, ricotta cheese and homemade sauce for the lasagna. Delish! We had half of it leftover, so I froze it!

I normally made my own pie crusts. My in laws rave about my pie crusts.  This week I was lazy & bought pie crusts.  This is the first time ever I have done this. lol  The pies turned out delish! I sent half of it home with my father in law.

I bought a loaf of bread, crushed up about 5-7 cloves of garlic, melted half a stick of butter, poured it over the bread, and put it in the over. mmmmm

The salad I used my organic veggies from my weekly veggie box.  Lettuce, arugula, avacado's, tomatoes - threw it all in a bowl and WA-LA there is your salad. I LOVE the smell and taste of arugula!

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