Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fishing Trip 2006

The first year we were dating I took Art stripper fishing for his birthday.  We each caught one fish; however, the fishing guide threw Art's fish back.  He told him the fish was too small & we would catch a lot of other fish that day.  Well we never caught anything else.  I felt so bad for him. 

A couple weeks later Art got the urge to go deep sea fishing & asked me to go.  Off we went around 4:30am on a Saturday to the boat.  I think we traveled about 2 hours out into the ocean.  I had no idea what to expect.  We threw our lines into the ocean and the fishing began.  I caught 3 large salmon on our fishing trip.  I out fished Art....I caught the second biggest salmon of the day.  This was the only time we were able to go salmon fishing.  Not long after this fishing trip they shut down salmon fishing.

We took our fish to Art's parents.  Art & his dad started to cut up the fish.  I offered to take a turn. I ended up cutting up 2.5 of the fish. I impressed the future in laws with my butchering abilities.  I informed them that day I had helped butcher on the farm for years.

 My fish are the 2 in the middle.  Art is holding one & I am holding the other.

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