Tuesday, April 29, 2014

19 Weeks

How far along: 19 weeks (as of 4-22-14)

Maternity clothes: Yep!
Sleep: Sleep has been really good. I slept a lot this past weekend. 
Best moment of this week: We had our anatomy scan last week. It was nice to see the baby. The doctor said everything looked great!
Miss anything: nope
Movement: not yet. When the doctor was listening to the heartbeat the baby kicked and we could hear the kick on the doppler. I didn't feel it though.
Food cravings: Mac & Cheese
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing food wise. The doctor gave me some beta blockers to help with my migraines. Ugh that was horrible. I ended up getting dizzy, queasy, light headed and felt like I was going to pass out. Thankfully after 48 hours it ended. I have been drinking smoothies every day. I am not sure if that is helping or if I had a good week but no migraines. 
Have you started to show yet: nope
Gender: boy!!!
Belly button in or out: in I don't think it will ever be out. 
Wedding rings on or off: on 
Happy or moody most of the time: Less cranky this week
Looking forward to: our next ultrasound on May 6

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