Monday, April 28, 2014

BBQ Chicken Pizza

Last week I made BBQ chicken for dinner one night. My plan was to make additional chicken, so I could make BBQ chicken pizza. I <3 amp="" class="goog-spellcheck-word" fresh="" span="" style="background-color: yellow; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;">Easy's
pizza dough! It is sooooo yummy! I bought the dough and wasn't going to use it before it expired. I threw it in the freezer for a few days. The night before I needed it I pulled it out of the freezer and let it defrost in the fridge. 

I don't follow the instructions very well. It says to let the pizza dough come to room temperature before you stretch it out. I stretched it out when it was still cold, put my topping on top and popped it in the oven for 18 minutes. The crust was a little crispy which I love. 

The pizza was very simple. I bought the dough, spread BBQ sauce over the top, shredded chicken, sliced mushrooms, sprinkled cheese and baked. I bought a Caesar Salad at Fresh & Easy. We got 3 meals off the salad kit. 

Art bought this Uncle Si at Walmart for our upcoming vacation. My MIL bought the gnomes and wrote our names on them. The gnomes will go out to our garden soon. 

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