Thursday, April 20, 2017

Easter Egg Hunt!

We had planned to go to an Easter egg hunt last week. G ended up getting a fever on Wednesday and was sick through Friday. We missed our egg hunt. I was sad. I was so looking forward to it and I thought G would have so much fun. I decided to do an egg hunt in the backyard. I filled some eggs with change, gummy candy, and other little things I got at the dollar store. 

I am so glad I did it because G had a BLAST! We ended up doing the egg hunt twice. He found almost all the eggs. I sent him back inside the house with Art, I hid all the eggs again and he came running out to search for them. He was so excited! It was just adorable! 

When he first started the egg hunt he would open each egg to see what was inside. The pictures above he has a mouth full of candy. I finally was able to convince him to find all the eggs then open them. 

He dumped them all out on the patio furniture and opened them all up. 

He was sooooo excited to find a dollar.

Later after the egg hunt we went to the park to burn off some of the candy! He had a lot of fun 

He is really into climbing up ladders lately. He does such a good job being very careful, but not afraid of the height. 

Disclaimer: All thoughts and opinions are my own. The post Easter Egg Hunt appeared first on Because Chocolate Can't Get You Pregnant.