Monday, June 25, 2018

Gestational Diabetes Test while Eating Paleo

I have ate a paleo diet during this pregnancy. I felt it was important to hopefully keep any MS attacks at bay while I’m pregnant and hopefully have a less severe attack afterwards. Autoimmune issues seem to go into remission during pregnancy then rear their ugly heads with a vengeance after you give birth.  
I did a lot of google searches to see what people did for the gestational diabetes tests that didn’t drink that nasty drink. I was determined I would not drink that stuff. You can google it to see what’s all in it and decide if it’s right for you. For me it wasn’t the right choice. It has corn, dyes, and sugar. Things I don’t consume. I feel drinking that stuff would make my sugar go insane and wouldn’t give me a clear reading.  I did do the glucose test when I was pregnant with G. I felt extremely awful the rest of the day after the test was over. 

I had read about different tests that some doctors will do instead. When my doctor brought up that I needed to get my test I had done my research as to why I wouldn’t take the test. I told her my reasons. She tried to tell me medicals reasons why I should. I asked her for other options. I was very clear I wouldn’t drink the glucose drink. I asked for another test or told her I would check my sugar daily. Thankfully they allowed me to get my sugar tested after fasting 8 hours and used those numbers. I passed with flying colors. Actually my fasting numbers were almost below normal. 

I really feel that eating a paleo diet has helped me have a much more normal pregnancy than I had with G. This baby is growing on track and my sugar has been stable. My fasting sugar levels were high with G. I was able to keep it controlled with diet. He ended up being induced because they didn’t feel he was growing well inside me. These are things I’m not experiencing this time. I also know that every pregnancy is different. I do feel having a healthy diet has helped me greatly with my MS and this pregnancy. I do experience MS issues daily, but it isn't as severe as when I was eating anything and everything. 

Disclaimer: these opinions are all my own. You need to follow your doctors advice.