Friday, May 3, 2019

3 Decades

When I started dating Art he was 37. At that time in my life that was the magic age for guys I had dated. I remember thinking why am I going to even date this guy because the others didn't want the same things in life that I did. I was in my mid 20's. I took a chance on him. I remember two conversations we had about the future. One was a phone call where he said he was ready to get married, have another child and find someone to spend the rest of his life with. The other conversation was him asking me what I wanted. Was I willing to stay in CA to take a chance on seeing what happened. These conversations were both exciting and terrifying to me all the same time.

I took that chance and stayed in CA. Now we have 2 boys and we have moved across the country. I have spent 3 decades with him - 30's, 40's and now 50's. 

Happy Birthday to Mr. Post!!!!