Tuesday, August 14, 2012

My First Friend in CA!

Do you ever meet someone and click right away? My first friend in California was Cindy and we clicked as soon as we met. We quickly became bestest friends. I met Cindy within a couple days of moving to California back in 2004. Cindy worked for my former employer client.

When Art asked me out on a date on valentines I turned him down because I already has plans. I was celebrating "hate" day with Cindy. I hated valentines and she spent it with me over a plate of nachos.

She has been there help me during my quarter life crisis in my 20's, celebrate the good times, offered support during the difficult times. The past 8 years she has been there through the ups and downs of life. I can always count on her.

We've had so many fun times together. Wedding shopping - filling up our cars full of stuff. Wild nights of nachos and Target. Or just a cup of peppermint mocha from Starbucks.

Through all my pregnancy and miscarriages she has been there. She gets excited every time and hopes with me this is the time. When it isn't the time she is there for support. She always tells me to hold on to that hope.

Cindy is an amazing wife and mother. I love hearing her conversations with Libby. She talks to Libby like an adult. It's so adorable! She has the patience of a saint! Sometimes I look at her and hope one day I have half the patience with a child that she does with Libby.

I'm so thankful my first California friend turned into a life long friend!!!!


Crazy Town ND said...

That's so special and Cindy IS Super Special just like you!! Mom