This swimsuit has become quit famous over the past year or two. My mom mailed this thing to me to see if I wanted it about a yr or two ago. I called her and said have you ever seen me wear something like this? Ummm no thanks. I held on to it why I am not sure. Art had a great idea and wrapped it up for my mom for Christmas. We told her she had to take it back home because it was a gift.
When my parents left at Christmas we found the swimsuit hanging in the closet. I couldn't believe she left the gift her darling son in law gave her for had to be an accident. When we finally got around to mailing the last of the family's Christmas boxes in April we threw the swimsuit in. I received a phone call as soon as the package arrived with my parents laughing.
I think we might have to mail something to Beulah. =)
LOL !!!! Denis Family does the same thing only with a UgLy hat !!! :-)) It gets passed around and things get sown in it and a UgLy sweatshirt too and who ever gets it signs the sweatshirt , then gives it for the next birthday ! one year someone sewed a thong to the sweat shirt it was hilarious !!! :-)) I love funny stuff like this ! it just screams family!!!! and I love it ! Maria
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