Friday, September 18, 2015

It's HERE!!!

The book was delivered today!!! EEEKKKKK!!!

I have been reading different stories from the book today. I read mine first. I've read it many times but it was crazy to me to see my words in a book. I wonder if my own words would have been in a book without cancer?  

Then I read my friend Bill's story. We lost Bill about a month ago. I still miss him every day. I miss seeing his midnight snack of grilled cheese. Or reading his encouraging words. He always knew what to say to people. Had great stories to share. 

Then I went to story 1. Perfect story to start the book. The first story sums up a day with MTC. 

The book is overwhelming. No way I could sit down and read this whole thing. Maybe because I know most of these people. Maybe because this is my reality. I understand what these people are going through each day.