Tuesday, September 15, 2015

We Need Research!!!!

Today is an amazing and exciting day!  A few months back I wrote a story for a new book. I wasn't sure if I should write about my cancer struggle for the book, but this nagging feeling inside me said do it!  You will regret it if you don't take this chance. I'm so glad I took the time to do it. Today the book was released on Amazon. 

September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness month. Did you know MTC does not currently have a cure?  I have a disease with no cure. Every birthday is a huge milestone. I like getting older. It means I am winning this battle. 

My cancer is currently stable. I go for tests every 3 months. Each time the numbers change the doctors aren't sure why. They don't know where the cancer is growing, but the numbers tell them it is. CT scans and MRIs are done annually to monitor the "spots". 

This year we've lost many people in the MTC family. Every loss is hard and some are harder than others. There are some you become very close with and then the disease takes them. It's heartbreaking. Never gets easy. 

There is so little research that is being done. It sort of angers me how much money is wasted on stupid crap by our government when they could be spending money on cancer research. Let's research moving bears from one state to another to see what happens. Really?  That's what our money is spent on?  Instead there are 1000s of people with a disease with no cure. 

It's time my voice is heard. I'm good at being loud, pushing my weight around, so it's time to make it known for MTC!!!