Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Finding Pa at the Disney Store

Let me just start off by saying I am not a big Disney fan. I like going to Disney World, but other than that I am not a big fan. I didn't let G have any type of Disney clothing. If someone gave him something that was fine and he could wear it. WELL! My child LOVES Disney and Elmo stuff! 

He received a giftcard to the Disney store for his birthday. I took him to the store a couple weeks ago. He had a BLAST! He ran into the store, right to the back to the BIGGEST Mickey he could find, grabbed it, hugged it and hauled it all over the store. Oh dear lord! I was having issues thinking that big Mickey is going to end up coming home with us. Where in the world is this thing going to go?

All of a sudden he saw a display with Toy Story Woody dolls. He dropped the Mickey, ran towards the display yelling PA PA PA PA. Grabs it and says Pa!  

Crisis averted! We could get a Woody doll instead of a HUGE Mickey! 

George insisted he needed a Mickey AND Woody! I found a smaller Mickey for him. He wasn't too sure about the smaller one. We ended up with the smaller one in the end and a Woody doll. 

When we got home G had to show Sammy his new Mickey! Sammy wasn't too impressed. He is waiting for the Mickey to end up on the floor, so he can chew his ears off.