Monday, July 2, 2012

Menu Monday

I LOVE summer! I look forward to picnics, bbq and eating outside. Food just tastes so much better eaten outside. I can't wait for the 4th of July! BBQ and Fireworks two of my favorite things!

Here is what is on your menu for the week. 

Peach BBQ Pork - I am waiting for Krystal to post the recipe. I CAN'T wait to try it!
Pasta & Tomato Sauce
Chicken thighs & Bok Choy
Hot Dogs on Hawaiian Sweet Bread

My mother in law and I planned our BBQ menu for the 4th over the weekend. 
Bison Burgers
Hot Dogs
Potato Salad
Corn Salad
and TONS of fireworks! I just need a pack of sparklers and my 4th will be complete! MIL likes to buy those pop things you throw on the ground. She chases me around outside throwing them at my feet. She finds this so hysterical. I usually scream and run. I will be able to run much faster this year, so she might not be able to catch me. lol

Are you going to any BBQ on the 4th?  What is on your 4th of July menu?