Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4th of July Fun

We went to Art's parents for the 4th of July.  We bbq lots of food, took a nap, chased the dogs around, and shot off lots of firework.

 Below is the only picture I could get with Sammy.  He didn't want to take a picture and all the others were blurry.

 Amber & Art getting the fireworks ready!
 The loot of fireworks
 We had the dogs outside for a little while.  Then Amber took them inside & sat by the window.  The dogs did not like all the noise.

 Here are some pictures of my MIL throwing those little pops at my feet.  She chases me around every 4th of July throwing them at my feet.  She thinks it is sooo funny.  Next year I am going to wear steal toe boots to throw her off. lol


Crazy Town ND said...

Looks like a funday!!! I miss holidays with the family!!! Love you, Mom