100 Days....
I am a creature of habit. One of my daily habits is I listen to the same radio show every morning. One of the djs made a bet with her friends to do 100 crunches every day for 100 days. I thought it sounded like a good idea, but I have been putting it off. Then I asked my friend Pam to do them with me....then I recruited my sister Lacey to also join in the fun. Lacey didn't think it was such a great idea to start on her birthday. I encouraged her to start on her birthday. What a better way to start a year older than 100 crunches a day for 100 days.
100 days will end on June 5. We better have some flat tummies on June 5!
Why don't you join in on the fun? It takes less than 2 minutes to do 100 crunches.
I think it will take me more than 2 minutes for me but I'll join you! lol
I had a relative who did 100 pushups and situps a day until she was 100 years old. She lived to be 111. Here's to you, Becky!
Get it girl :)
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