Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What's the point of blogging?

I've been struggling the past week with why do I blog, does anyone out there even read my nonsense, should I continue to blog and if I continue what should I write about?  There are THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of blogs out there. Mine won't ever be super popular and that's ok. Popular blogs have thousand of followers and 50-100 people will comment. I am one of those people who rarely comments on blogs because honestly it's a pain in the butt. People have funky codes you need to fill out, it's not easy to comment from a blog reader and after 100 comments on a blog post does the author really care what I have to say?

I started this blog as something fun. It has become a dump station with a filter for all the craziness in my life. Somethings I am very open about and other things I don't ever mention in blog land.  I hope one day the journey I've shared with weight loss, MTC and infertility will help someone. All three of those things have been such a struggle in my life now more than ever. 

There are days I'm exhausted and just can't come up with a topic to write about. I had planned out what I would write about yesterday for the week. Well I was too exhausted to put words on the screen. Even with the topics on my to do list weren't enough to help the post come together. 

I like the fact I blog regularly for my own sake. My memory has really gone down hill over the past 2 years. I really noticed a difference around February 2012. I couldn't remember things off the top of my head, I needed lists and I couldn't remember what I just wantted to do. What did we do for our anniversary in 2009? No clue - the blog probably has a picture so I resort back to the blog. 

I also use my blog to keep track of recipes and menus I've done. Refer back to those posts all the time. In the last year I started documented my outfits. Outfit inspiration is a great way to figure out what I should wear the next day. Sometimes I use my own, but most of the time I run off to Pinterest. 

So after all that craziness I guess my decision is I will blog when I feel like it and not blog when I don't. I'm trying not to put so much pressure on myself.  That is a hard thing not to do because I like structure and with structure there needs to be rules. The whole not putting pressure on myself is something I am working at home and work. I put A LOT of pressure on myself to be as perfect as I can be. At work I rush to get EVERYTHING handled ASAP. I am not one to let things slide or not respond to emails, voicemails etc. Well the past week I have actually just said I can't do that and need another week. 

Life is always a work in progress. 
I am slowly working on putting myself first and everything else second!  


Krystal R said...

Well said my bestie!

life said...

For starters Your title is TO CUTE!! Your popular in your followers eyes!! I read your blog, but I always think you should take care of yourself before anything else! Have not used the recipes but your outfits give me major inspiration! I find myself having nothing to say I'm not really blogging just reading. Thanks for sharing!!!!

julie w said...

I do enjoy your blogs. this is my way of keeping up with your life lol.