Monday, February 20, 2012

Menu Monday

I did it....I bought all the groceries for 2 weeks and it has worked out splendid!!! I didn't have to go grocery shopping this past weekend. YAY!

Monday - Chili

Tuesday - Fish Tacos

Wednesday - Chicken Barley Soup

Thursday - Pork & Spicy Chickpeas

I really liked the veggie curry I made last week. It made enough for 2 meals, plus I froze some. It was super simple, low cal and delish. 
I am also LOVING quinoa! I love it over salads, plain, with veggies, in the curry stew.

I told my friend last week the thought of cooking with barely was strange to me. It was something to feed cattle, but do people actually eat it?  So I decided to make the chicken barley soup!  I am trying to branch out and try other grains.