Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Date?

When you think of going out for valentines a romantic evening out usually comes to mind.  Going on a tour of the New York sewage plant doesn't even sound like a fun tour and is definantely not a romatic evening. If you are running short on an idea for a date maybe consider the NYC sewage plant tour.

Could you imagine if you had a first date and the guy tells you that you are going on the sewage tour? bahahaha  Would you go on the date or run away as fast as you could?

Published: Feb 10, 2012

NEW YORK (AP) - It may not smell like a rose but a New York City sewage plant is offering tours for lovers on Valentine's Day.

The tour host and superintendent of the Newtown Creek Wastewater treatment plant in Brooklyn tells the Daily News (http://nydn.us/xEFu6I ) it'll be a unique date, and one that special someone will never forget.

Jim Pynn says the highlight of the tour will be the plant's giant egg-shaped digesters, which break down the noxious waste into harmless sludge and gas.

Pynn says each Valentine's Day visitor will get a Hershey kiss - and at least something to talk about.