Thursday, June 16, 2011

Homemade Stir Fry

Every two weeks we have an organic box of vegetables/fruit delivered to our home.  The vegetables/fruit are  from local farm.  It is exciting to get a box of mixed veggies & fruit.  
We don't know ahead of time what we are getting.  I really try to use up all the items each week.  Sometimes it is tough when I am really busy at work or traveling. 

I decided to put together a stir fry mix of all fresh veggies to freeze.  This is a super great & easy way to cook dinner.  Grab some meat out of the freezer, stir fry  it, add the veggies and wa-la there is dinner.  The veggies still tasted very good.


Crazy Town ND said...

Frozen is the closet to fresh one can get!!! Love Mom